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Homebuyer Activity Shows Signs of Warming Up for Spring

The spring season appears to be warming up in housing as more and more buyers enter the market. And after rising mortgage rates sidelined so many buyers last year, that’s a good sign for sellers. has the latest: “Spring is officially here, and like green shoots emerging from the bleak winter, new data suggests that more buyers are ...

Absorption Rate Analysis: March 2023 – All Neighborhoods Move Deeper Into Seller’s Territory for the First Time

By now, 8 months into publicly releasing our absorption rate data, we’ve become pretty accustomed to the Greater Los Angeles area favoring the seller. But this is the first time we’ve seen every neighborhood we monitor move deeper into a seller’s market. So, if you’ve been thinking about selling your home, now might be a great time to stop thinking and start&nb...

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Waking Up to the Reality of the California Dream For All Program

Several weeks ago, some of you received an email from your JohnHart agent about a promising new housing loans initiative. Dubbed the California Dream For All Shared Appreciation Loan, it sought to level the playing field for disadvantaged Californians with aspirations of homeownership. Yet, less than two weeks later, the program has already dispersed all of its funding. And the beneficiaries of...

LA Fashion Icon Chris “Spanto” Printup Leaves Behind a Legacy of Sincerity

As much as we love Los Angeles, it does have more than its fair share of plasticity. Yet, if you dig through the influencers, TikTok challengers, and nepo babies, you can still catch glimpses of the city’s true soul. Sadly, one of the clearest windows into the beating heart of authentic Los Angeles culture unexpectedly passed away on June 28 at the relatively young age of 42. Ch...

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With Million Dollar Homes as the Standard in LA, Angelenos Want Solutions

At the turn of the millennium, a gameshow started to dominate pop culture in the U.S. due to its lofty promises of wild riches. Today, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire could easily be retitled Who Wants to Own a Home in Los Angeles. Sure, it’s not as catchy. But it pretty much equates to the same thing. The Los Angeles Times summed it up as much in their recent ...

The Literally Moving Story of Olvera Street

We often talk about the history of Los Angeles on this blog, but today we’re going back to the very beginning. Sort of. Indigenous people lived in the area we call Los Angeles for centuries before the city’s first stone was laid. But if you ask locals to take you to the beginning, most will guide you to a vibrant pocket at the border of Downtown LA called Olvera Street. You may have...

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Last Chance to Pick Up Your Iconic Strawberry Donut from Donut Man Glendora!

In the Greater Los Angeles area, it can sometimes seem like there are more buildings that are donut shops than aren’t. Seriously, for a city of people that look so fit, we sure love our donuts. It makes it a nearly impossible task for a donut shop to stand out from the rest. But The Donut Man Glendora residents have been swarming for years never really seemed to have that proble...

Californians Can Buy and Sell ADU Homes Like Condos Thanks to AB 1033

It’s a great time in California to own an ADU. Last year, our government made it easier than ever to build authorized accessory dwelling units (ADUs). But now, thanks to Assemblyman Phil Ting’s (D-San Francisco) recently drafted Assembly Bill 1033, it’s becoming just as easy to sell these units as ADU homes the way one would sell a condo. It’s a big step toward solv...

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Eqwitek is Raising the Bar for Asset Management Services

Thursday, January 11 was a momentous day for JohnHart Real Estate as our leadership team hosted our one-off {RE}VOLUTION event. At an undisclosed Glendale location, we introduced our agents to not one, not two, but six revenue streams. Experts presented opportunities, shared ideas… threw beach balls. You just had to be there. But the launch of a new company committed to transfo...

The Devastating Los Angeles Fires: Preparing Your Go-Bag and Protecting Your Future

The recent Los Angeles fires serve as a stark reminder of the importance of disaster preparedness. The scenes of devastation and displacement underscore the need for every individual and family to have a comprehensive plan in place, starting with a well-stocked "go-bag." This isn't about succumbing to fear, but about empowering ourselves with the tools and resources to navigate em...